Interface ITheme

All Superinterfaces:
org.rusherhack.core.feature.IFeature, org.rusherhack.core.feature.IFeatureConfigurable, org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.INamed, org.rusherhack.core.serialize.ISerializable<>, org.rusherhack.core.serialize.JsonSerializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ITheme extends org.rusherhack.core.feature.IFeatureConfigurable, org.rusherhack.core.serialize.JsonSerializable
Interface for creating themes.

A theme is a feature which changes the look and feel of the menus.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    deserialize( jsonElement)
    default @Nullable PanelHandlerBase<?>
    This theme's ClickGUI handler
    default @Nullable HudHandlerBase
    This theme's HUD handler
    default Color
    default @Nullable WindowHandlerBase
    This theme's window handler
    default void
    Called when rusherhack is finished loading, and the theme should be initialized.

    Methods inherited from interface org.rusherhack.core.feature.IFeature


    Methods inherited from interface org.rusherhack.core.feature.IFeatureConfigurable

    getSetting, getSettings, registerSettings, reset

    Methods inherited from interface org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.INamed

    getAliases, getDisplayName, getName

    Methods inherited from interface org.rusherhack.core.serialize.ISerializable

    shouldAutoSave, shouldSerialize
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      default void initialize()
      Called when rusherhack is finished loading, and the theme should be initialized.
    • getClickGuiHandler

      @Nullable default @Nullable PanelHandlerBase<?> getClickGuiHandler()
      This theme's ClickGUI handler
      panel handler for the ClickGUI, or null if this theme does not have a ClickGUI
    • getHudHandler

      @Nullable default @Nullable HudHandlerBase getHudHandler()
      This theme's HUD handler
      the hud handler, or null if this theme does not have a HUD
    • getWindowHandler

      @Nullable default @Nullable WindowHandlerBase getWindowHandler()
      This theme's window handler
      the window handler, or null if this theme does not have a window handler
    • getColorSetting

      ColorSetting getColorSetting()
      The ColorSetting for this theme
    • getPrimaryColor

      default Color getPrimaryColor()
    • serialize

      default serialize()
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface org.rusherhack.core.serialize.ISerializable<>
    • deserialize

      default boolean deserialize( jsonElement)
      Specified by:
      deserialize in interface org.rusherhack.core.serialize.ISerializable<>