Class WindowView

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.IClickable, org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.IHoverable, org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.INamed, org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.IScrollable, org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.ITickable, org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.ITypeable
Direct Known Subclasses:
ListView, SimpleView

public abstract class WindowView extends WindowContent implements org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.INamed
A WindowView is a WindowContent that is able to render a set of other WindowContents in a defined way.

WindowViews should also be sure to set the position of the WindowContent before rendering it so that it is aware of its position.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • renderViewContent

      public abstract void renderViewContent(double mouseX, double mouseY)
    • renderContent

      public void renderContent(double mouseX, double mouseY, WindowView parent)
      Specified by:
      renderContent in class WindowContent
    • unfocus

      public void unfocus()
      Description copied from class: WindowContent
      Called when the window loses focus. Should be used to unfocus things like text fields
      unfocus in class WindowContent
    • mouseClicked

      public boolean mouseClicked(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button)
      Specified by:
      mouseClicked in interface org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.IClickable
    • mouseReleased

      public void mouseReleased(double mouseX, double mouseY, int button)
      Specified by:
      mouseReleased in interface org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.IClickable
    • charTyped

      public boolean charTyped(char character)
      Specified by:
      charTyped in interface org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.ITypeable
    • keyTyped

      public boolean keyTyped(int key, int scanCode, int modifiers)
      Specified by:
      keyTyped in interface org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.ITypeable
    • mouseScrolled

      public boolean mouseScrolled(double mouseX, double mouseY, double delta)
      Specified by:
      mouseScrolled in interface org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.IScrollable
    • tick

      public void tick()
      Specified by:
      tick in interface org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.ITickable
    • setViewWidth

      public void setViewWidth(double viewWidth)
    • setViewHeight

      public void setViewHeight(double viewHeight)
    • getWidth

      public double getWidth()
      Specified by:
      getWidth in class WindowContent
    • getHeight

      public double getHeight()
      Specified by:
      getHeight in class WindowContent
    • getViewWidth

      public double getViewWidth()
    • getViewHeight

      public double getViewHeight()
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface org.rusherhack.core.interfaces.INamed
    • getContent

      public List<WindowContent> getContent()
    • setContentList

      public void setContentList(List<? extends WindowContent> contentList)
    • getHandler

      protected WindowHandlerBase getHandler()
    • getViewHandler

      protected WindowViewHandlerBase getViewHandler()