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Modules -> Combat -> AutoCrystal

Automatically places and explodes end crystals for crystal pvp


Targeting - How targets are selectedPlayers FriendProtect PrioritizeEnemies EnemiesOnly IgnoreCreative Hostiles Passives IgnoreTamed IgnoreNamed Neutrals Vehicles Priority - (Enum) How targets are selectedAngleDamageDamage RatioCrystal DistanceDistanceHealthCheckLimit - Maximum targets to check while selectingRender - Target ESPColor - The color of the boxFill - Fill the boxOutline - Outline the boxWidth - Width of outlineDepthTest - Hide hidden sidesExplode - Explode crystalsSpeed - Maximum crystal attacks per secondRange - Maximum range to crystalWallRange - Maximum range to crystal if it is hiddenHitAttempts - Maximum times you can attack a crystalTicksExisted - Minimum ticks a crystal must existDamageCalcs - Calculate damageMinDamage - Minimum damage a crystal should do to the targetSelfDamageLimit - Maximum damage a crystal should do to youSelfDamageRatio - Maximum ratio between target and self damageIgnoreRatioUnder - Override ratio when damage is under thisInstant - Destroy placed crystal upon spawningMSWait - Milliseconds to wait before hittingClientSync - Sync breaking with the clientAntiWeakness - Switch to a weapon when you have weaknessReturn - Returns to the previous item you were holdingTicks - Ticks to wait until you swap backWhileEating - Attempt to attack crystals while eatingWhileMining - Attempt to attack crystals while miningRender - Crystal ESPSwing - Swing hand upon attacking a crystalColor - The color of the boxFill - Fill the boxOutline - Outline the boxWidth - Width of outlineDepthTest - Hide hidden sidesPlace - Place crystalsSpeed - Maximum crystal places per secondRange - Maximum range to blockWallRange - Maximum range to block if it is hiddenIgnoreTicks - Maximum ticks you can ignore a broken crystal forDamageCalcs - Calculate damageMinDamage - Minimum damage a crystal should do to the targetSelfDamageLimit - Maximum damage a crystal should do to youSelfDamageRatio - Maximum ratio between target and self damageIgnoreRatioUnder - Override ratio when damage is under thisInstant - Place a crystal after one is destroyedMSWait - Milliseconds to wait before placingAwait - Doesn't attempt to place until you have broken a crystalTimeout - Ticks to pause placingClientSync - Sync placing with the client1.12.2 - For servers with versions below 1.13CrystalPvP.CC - For the server crystalpvp.ccIgnoreTerrain - Calculate damage through explodable blocksAutoSwitch - Switch to a crystalMode - (Enum) Method used for swappingSwitchSwapSilent - Switch server side onlyReturn - Returns to the previous item you were holdingTicks - Ticks to wait until you swap backFacePlace - Settings controlling when to faceplaceHealth - Health to start faceplacingArmorPercent - Armor damage to start faceplacingNonFullArmor - Faceplace if target does not have full armorSpeed - Maximum faceplaces per secondForce - Bind to force faceplacingWhileEating - Attempt to place crystals while eatingWhileMining - Attempt to place crystals while miningRender - Place rendersSwing - Swing hand upon placing a crystalDamage - Render the current place position damageCustomFont - Use custom font rendererColor - The color of the textBox - Render a box on the current place positionMode - (Enum) Rendering transition styleStaticSlideFadeSlideSpeed - Speed of box slidingFadeSpeed - Speed of box fadingColor - The color of the boxFill - Fill the boxOutline - Outline the boxWidth - Width of outlineDepthTest - Hide hidden sidesRotate - RotationsTiming - (Enum) Timing method used for breaking and placingVanillaSequentialAlternateInstantConstant - Waits a set amount of ticks before resettingTicks - Ticks to wait before resettingWaitForRotate - Pause exploding and placing until rotatedUnpauseWait - Ticks to wait before unpausingExplodeSpeed - Speed of rotationPlaceSpeed - Speed of rotationRandomizeSpeed - Randomizes rotation speedStrictDir - (Enum) Raycast block faceOffNormalStrictPredict - Prediction settingsMotion TargetExtrapolation - How many ticks in the future to extrapolateSelfExtrapolation - How many ticks in the future to extrapolateMiscellaneous - Miscellaneous settingsPauseAtHP - Health to pause onPriority - (Enum) What action should run firstExplodePlaceMetadata - What to display on hudTarget - Name of the current targetCrystalCount - The number of crystals in your inventoryDamages - The current damage calculationsSpeeds - How many times per second you are exploding and placingDebug Debug2 VisualDebug VisualDebug2


  • autocrystal
  • autocrystal <setting> [value]
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