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Modules -> Movement -> ElytraFly

Fly easier with elytras


Mode - (Enum) ControlBoostPacketBounceOffTakeOff - Automatically take off when you jumpDescending - Only activate when you are falling back down; Useful for 1.12.2 serversTimer AutoRedeploy - Automatically redeploy into elytra if the server un-deploys youPauseInLiquids Control Settings Acceleration Speed MaxSpeed Speed VerticalSpeed Fireworks - Use firework rockets while flyingInventory LagRedeploy NoIdle DelayedAscend Await DelayMode - (Enum) DynamicStaticStaticDelay Ascend - (Enum) AimJumpOffGlideSpeed Boost Settings Acceleration Speed MaxSpeed Automatic BoostTicks - Number of ticks to boost forTargetY - The minimum Y level to ascend toMaximumY - The maximum Y level to ascend toEmergeSpeed - Speed required to start ascending in km/hConstant - Boost constantlyStabilize - Hold glide while above TargetYEmergePitch GainPitch Speed SpeedLimit - Maximum speed to reach in km/hUpdatedNCP - Increase speed after a rubberbandPitchCheck - Only boost while looking downUseForward - Boost while holding forwardPause Packet Settings Acceleration Speed MaxSpeed Speed OnGround AutoRestart AntiAFK Bounce Settings Acceleration Speed MaxSpeed PitchSpoof Pitch Control - Only activate while looking downPacket - Prevent durability lossBoost Speed Delay - Bypass 2b2t's anticheatAutoJump Debug


  • elytrafly
  • elytrafly <setting> [value]
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