All Classes and Interfaces
TODO: create interface so that ComboContent can modify width as needed
Interface for grabbing the user's color preferences
Content that bundles two or more other contents.
Utility class for serializing and deserializing objects to and from disk
An element is something with a position and size
A handler for managing multiple elements on screen.
This event is called during keyboard updates
This event is called when the world is being changed.
Class containing mouse-related update events
This event is called when a mouse button is pressed or released
This event is called when the mouse is moved
This event is called when the scroll wheel is used
This event is called when the player is moving
This event is called when an entity carrying the player is moving
This event gets called when a notification is being processed by the NotificationManager
This event is called when a packet is being received from the server.
This event is called when a packet is being sent to the server.
This event is called when the game is preparing to send player updates to the server.
This event is called when the player quits the game, or disconnects from the server.
This event is called during the game's 2D rendering stage
This event is called during the game's 3D rendering stage
This event is called when the game window is being resized
This event is called when the screen is initialized
This event is used to modify the game's timer speed.
This event is called every game tick
A command that lets you configure a feature's settings.
GLFW key implementation
A hud element is a draggable
that can be rendered on the screen.Points at which hud elements are able to "snap" to
Handler for hud elements
Interface for font rendering
Interface for graphics that can be rendered
Hud element interface
Interface for InteractionUtils
A categorized feature with settings
Interface for sending notifications to the client
Helper class containing input related functions
Helper class containing inventory related functions
Plugin interface for RusherHack
TODO: possibly add drawQuad methods? drawVerticalQuad, drawHorizontalQuad, drawVerticalHorizontalQuad, draw HorizontalVerticalQuad
TODO: billboarding
TODO: render text
Interface for creating themes.
Interface for accessing the theme manager
A hud element that will display a list of items
Change how the color of the items are decided when the color setting is set to rainbow
A base module with no implementation
Basic panel element that with items that can be clicked
A TextContent with line wrapping
A window that can be pinned to the screen
TODO: UUID based
Helper class containing player related functions
Base implementation for
A popup window which is meant to be created as a child of another window.
Hud element which can be scaled.
A resizeable window
A scrollable view meant for displaying logs
RusherHack public API accessor
TODO: javadocs
that can be scaledObject to keep track of scroll offsets, animation, and clamp.
A view with different tabs.
A simple text content
Basic hud element with text and a label
A module that can be toggled
A vector graphic
Content that can be rendered inside of a Window
A WindowView is a WindowContent that is able to render a set of other WindowContents in a defined way.